Selama ini nyamuk diduga lebih menyukai darah manusia berjenis kelamin perempuan karena lebih manis. Namun, laporan Annals of Internal Medicine yang dipublikasikan harian the New York Times menyebutkan, nyamuk sebenarnya lebih tertarik pada manusia yang berukuran tubuh besar.
"Mungkin karena tubuh yang besar memancarkan panas atau karbon dioksida yang lebih besar," sebut penelitian itu. Sebelum sampai pada kesimpulan itu, tim peneliti membandingkan tubuh perempuan hamil dengan yang tidak. Hasilnya, perempuan hamil dua kali lebih menarik bagi nyamuk. Analisisnya, perempuan hamil mengeluarkan karbon dioksida yang lebih banyak dan suhu tubuhnya lebih tinggi. Ini yang membuat perempuan hamil lebih mudah terdeteksi oleh nyamuk.
Seperti karbon dioksida, asam laktat juga merupakan daya tarik kuat bagi nyamuk. "Karena itulah nyamuk lebih sering menyerang ketika kita berada di luar ruangan dan berkeringat. Saking kuatnya, nyamuk bisa mendeteksi karbon dioksida dan asam laktat dari jarak 30 meter," kata Clifford W Bassett dari Allergy and Asthma Care of New York, AS.
During this mosquito prefers human blood suspected female because the more sweet. However, reports Annals of Internal Medicine published by the New York Daily Times states, the mosquitoes are actually more interested in humans that large body size.
"Maybe because of the large body radiates heat or carbon dioxide is greater," said the study. Before you arrive at that conclusion, the research team compared the women's bodies with non-pregnant. The result, pregnant women are two times more attractive to mosquitoes. Analysis, women who become pregnant out more carbon dioxide and body temperature higher. This is what makes women pregnant more easily detected by mosquitoes.
Like carbon dioxide, lactic acid is also a strong attraction for mosquitoes. "That's why mosquitoes more often attacked when we are outdoors, and sweaty. I was so strong, mosquitoes can detect carbon dioxide and lactic acid from a distance of 30 meters," said Clifford W. Bassett of Allergy and Asthma Care of New York, USA.
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