ARKANSAS- Petugas Bandara Arkansas kaget bukan kepalang saat menemukan 60 kepala manusia dalam paket pengiriman barang.
Awalnya petugas curiga dengan bungkusan yang terlihat acak-acakan itu. Pasalnya, petugas tidak melihat label dari paket tersebut, sehingga mereka membuka isi paket tersebut. Saat dibuka, ternyata paket itu berisi 60 kepala manusia .
Setelah itu, mereka langsung melaporkan kejadian tersebut ke pihak kepolisian. Kepala-kepala itu pun dikembalikan ke bagian koroner. Petugas Koroner Pulaski Garland Camper mengatakan, pengiriman tersebut menggunakan bahan plastik dan tidak menggunakan segel penerbangan.
Penyelidikan lebih lanjut didapatkan kepala-kepala tersebut sedianya dikirimkan ke Medtronic Inc di Forth Worth, Texas. Kepala itu nantinya akan digunakan oleh para bedah syaraf untuk mempelajari telinga, hidung dan prosedur tenggorokan. Seperti dilansir Telegraph, Jumat (18/6/2010).
Hal yang tidak biasa adalah cara pengiriman kepala-kepala tersebut...
Arkansas-The Arkansas Airport absurdly surprised to find that 60 human heads in package delivery.
Initially officers with the package that looks suspiciously tousled it. The reason, the officers did not see the label from the package, so they open the contents of the package. When opened, it turns out that the package contains 60 human heads.
After that, they immediately reported this incident to the police. The heads were returned to the coroner. Officer Pulaski Coroner Garland Camper said, sending the use of plastic materials and do not use the seal of the flight.
Further investigation showed that the heads had been due sent to Medtronic Inc. in Fort Worth, Texas. The head will be used by the neurosurgeon to examine the ear, nose and throat procedures. As reported by the Telegraph, Friday (18/06/2010).
Thing unusual is the way the heads are shipping ...
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